Greetings Practitioner Family,

If you are a Black practitioner who works with clients to help them to achieve wholeness, primarily without medication, this may be the place for you.  We’re accepting applications from across the United States to join the Healing House Wellness Network.  Medication has its place, but many times, it is overprescribed. 

If you focus on the whole person–mind, body and soul–in the treatment of your clients, we are looking for you.  Massage therapists, acupuncturists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, healthy meal instructors, and personal fitness professionals, are just a few of the practitioners we’re seeking.  We’re also seeking doctors and nurses who view the whole person in their healing practice.  

Practitioner Membership Benefits 

Your membership includes access to and the ability to:

  • Create a Company profile
  • List and offer your Services
  • Link to your site
  • Link to your social icons
  • Post your Events
  • Write a Blog and
  • Upload Media

In addition:

  • We refer clients to you and you refer clients to us; we cross-promote each other
  • When clients pay us for a Package with Healing House that includes your services, they pay us and we ensure you get paid
  • Upsales are okay
  • And membership is FREE through June 30th!